3rd Congress ULA-IAF, Peru 2024

Written on July 8, 2024

From May 31 to June 2, 2024 the Third Congress ULA-IAF (Latin American Aikido Union) was held with great success in the city of Lima, Peru, in the presence of the IAF Chairman,
Wilko Vriesman, and the Vice-Chairman, Kei Izawa.

We had the participation of 10 countries members of the ULA-IAF: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. And as guest countries: Denmark, Switzerland, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic.

In addition to the great richness that implies the practice of Aikido in an international way, other great advances were obtained.

It is the first Seminar that manages to combine:

• The development of the practice of Aikido,

• The promotion of Gender Balance (Alliance with Guardian Girls Aikido) to provide self-defense training with Aikido principles through Aikido instructors, 

Aikido Youth with the participation of children and adolescents from 3 countries: Chile, Mexico and Peru.

• The ULA-IAF institutional association (integrated by the leaders of the national organizations of each member country) achieved important steps in the regional work for our mission: to unite, articulate and develop Aikido in the region.


The working regulations under which the ULA-IAF institutional association will be governed were signed. This guarantees an institutional operation.

The regional pilot program for the certification of Aikido instructors for children and youth was approved.

• The contents of the program were elaborated by the ULA-IAF Children's Aikido Committee and structured by the leaders of said committee.

• It was agreed that the members of the institutional association will be the first assistants of the pilot program for children's Aikido instructors. 

• It will be taught by those who are currently members of the Aikdo youth committee in the region.


Another important moment was the signing of working agreement with KIF (Koyamada International Foundation). Through its division Guardian Girls has been established: Guardian Girls Aikido. 

• The objective is to teach women the principles of self-defense with Aikido as a basis. 

• Taught primarily by female Aikido instructors.

• A Certification Program for female instructors has been approved for this purpose.

• The agreement was signed with the Japanese Ambassador to Peru as a witness of honor.  And being his residence the venue of the agreement.

• A sample class was held to show how the self-defense principles workshops will be developed. The Peruvian Aikido instructors showed a very professional work, with many hours of training.

• The event was attended by honorable guests, such as the Japanese Ambassador, the Head of the Regional UNFEPA, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of IAF, among others.


Aikido Youth: due to the vastness of the region and the general economic situation in Latin America, we celebrated with great joy that we could have the participation of children and adolescents in the seminar.

• Sharing the tatami but only separating by color of the tatami host achieved the coexistence between adults and children. Seeing them running in the moments of rest and relaxation filled the atmosphere with joy.

• The children's enthusiasm to live together with other children from other countries other countries created a family atmosphere.

• Their presence inspired an atmosphere of fraternal care.

Like the adults, they made an Embu after the seminar. Giving them respect for their work invites us all to look at each other with an attitude of admiration.


COPA (Peruvian Aikido Confederation) was an excellent host. They showered us with attentions, they made an effort to make us feel at home. They were fine and warm in their treatment, attentive to the smallest detail, concerned about our satisfaction. Undoubtedly, they exceeded the expectations of the attendees. THANK YOU, PERU!