About the IAF

About the IAF

The International Aikido Federation (IAF) is the federation of National aikido organizations, which are directly affiliated with the "motherhouse" of Aikido as a Budo (the Aikikai Hombu) in Japan.

The IAF is representing Aikido and the Global Aikido Family of its members, within the Alliance of Independent Recognized Members of Sport (AIMS) as part of SportAccord, and the International World Games Association (IWGA).


In line with the cultural values of Aikido as Budo, the IAF President is always the Aikido Doshu, responsible for the spirit and technical standards of Aikido. In these matters, the IAF is advised by the Senior and Technical Council.

As an International Federation (lF), the overall organizational decisions are taken under the presidency of the IAF Chairman, by the IAF General Assembly of its national members.

The General Assembly meets every 4 years.


To become part of the IAF is open to national organizations recognized or approved organizations by the Aikikai Hombu, as part of an existing IAF member or as a new national member. Any new national membership needs to be approved by the General Assembly.


The General Assembly elects a Directing Committee of 9 officials; the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, General Treasurer, Assistant General Secretary, and four other members who manage the daily operations of the IAF.

In addition, the non-voting Senior and Technical Council are appointed by Doshu.

The day-to-day operation of the IAF requires communication with its members, the Aikikai, other IF's, and the Global Community of Sports.

Aikido Training

As the core of Aikido is (daily) practice of Aikido, the General Assembly of the IAF is always held together with an Aikido training Course and a presentation of national demonstration teams, the Embukai. This event has been renamed recently from the IAF Congress to IAF Summit and is under normal conditions held every 4 years in Japan.

International Recognition

The IAF held its first Congress in 1976, in Tokyo, Japan, in which the directive was taken to bring Aikido into the Global Community of Sports.   In 1984 the IAF became a Full Member of GAISF and the International World Games Association (IWGA) in which it participates as a demonstration Sport. The IAF is (one of the founding ) members of the  Alliance of Independent Recognized Members of Sport (AIMS)- which has become an Olympic recognized Organization in 2019. As a member of AIMS, the IAF supports its activities for Youth, called United Through Sport.  As a member of GAISF, the IAF takes part in the Combat Games . As a member of IWGA, it takes part as a demonstration sport in the World Games. With the dissolvement of GAISF in 2023, IAF is by its membership of AIMS, part of Sport Accord. 

Membership to these organizations was and is an important milestone for the IAF and its National members, who by its membership to the IAF are able to become National recognized as a discipline of Sport. The International and consequently national recognition of Aikido,  facilitated for Aikido to grow Globally from its inner core of being/ and maintaining to be a Japanese Budo with its tradition of succeeding Doshu's (the Iemoto system),  into a well-respected discipline of Sports. The Olympic Values, aiming to strive for a better world in the service of mankind, are the core values of Sport. The same values, Respect, Friendship, and Excellence(by-Cooperation) are embraced with and through Aikido.

In 2019, the IAF took part in the World Martial Arts Mastership in Chunju-Korea as well as ceremonial participation of  Aikido, in a pre-Olympic event headed by Doshu, in Iwama-Japan, the birthplace of Aikido. In 2023, the IAF took part in the 3th edition of the CombatGames in Riyadh and the first IAF International Young Adult seminar was held in Kyoto, both with the eminent participation of Dojocho. 

What is the role of IAF

Since its foundation in 1976, almost 50 years ago, the IAF has also been able to fulfil several important functions:

  • IAF provides a legitimate Aikido platform where member nations can network beyond the national borders.
  • IAF is a member of, IWGA (International World Games Association), and AIMS (Alliance of Independent Recognized members of Sport), all sports organizations recognized by the International Olympic Committee. By being a member of the IAF, member federations become the only Aikido entity as recognized by the world sports authorities and governments. Recognition by Aikikai and with an added recognition by IAF proves the authenticity of member national federations. 
  • IAF works on behalf of its members to raise the profile of Aikido, web content creation,  video promotions, and participation in global sports conferences. To be listed on the IAF website and Facebook and other activities, members will enjoy more publicity than being alone. That is the power of Aikido networking.
  • IAF is part of WADA (World Anti-doping Agency), contributing to the image of clean martial arts. Being compliant with the Anti-Doping Code of WADA is a precondition to be accepted in the International body of authentic and recognized sports.
  • IAF is preparing to undertake more international/regional events and activities to which member nations will be able to participate.
  • IAF provides a legitimate Aikido Platform where member nations can meet, train, and network with each other beyond national borders in order to create Friendship above all by training on the Tatami, and  by being the International Federation for Aikido within the Global Sports Community to facilitate for its members National recognition, as tool in the sustainable globing spreading of Aikido.
  • In 2026, we will celebrate our 50th anniversary with more then 80 members.